Good news!

We are working on Email Verifier Pro v1.8 and there will be several new features and bug fixed coming soon in this update. We expect it to be be released by May.

We will create several videos based on Email  Verifier Pro functionality and features as tutorial so it get easier for people to use. 🙂

If you have any suggestions with our script improvement then please leave them in comment! Or directly let us know at support panel!

Thanks for supporting us!


#StayHome #StayClean #StaySafe


After several months doing lots of revision and planning, we have released version 2.0

Can be downloaded from:

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  1. Hi
    some mail is not able to verify by your Email Verifier.
    please improve this.

    • Hi Mohibbur,

      Lot of things has been changed in past one year. I request you try and download the latest version of script.

      Also, please share us the domains which did not available to verify and we will be working on it.

      You can contact us through


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